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Does Your Resumé Make the Grade?

Does Your Resumé Make the Grade?

School’s back in session, but if you’ve just graduated, or are looking to enter the workforce, you’re probably thinking about resumés and applications more than the classroom. The beginning of a job search can seem daunting, especially if you are newly out of school and don’t have a lot of experience to put on your resume. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, read below for answers to some commonly asked resume questions from new graduates. 

Where do I start? 

Before you begin, you need to have an idea of what sort of work you’re interested in. Once you have an idea of the kind of jobs you want to apply for, you will know more about what you should include. Then, do some research on examples of resumes to get an idea of what type of format you like and what sort of information you should include.  

Should I include my GPA? 

If you’ve just graduated, you may not have a ton of work experience. Instead, you might be considering including other things on your resume, such as listing classes, GPA, etc. Is this okay? It depends. Think about the sort of job you are applying for and if employers in that industry would consider academic information relevant. If you were a good student, it’s probably a good idea to include some of these details on your resume, because it shows that you are hardworking. 

I don’t have a lot of work experience. What should I put on my resumé? 

Once you’ve been out of school for a while, school achievements aren’t as important to include, but if you have just finished, you can use these experiences on your resume. Did you excel in shop class? Participate in sports? Do fundraisers for clubs? List these skills and accomplishments on your resume. You can also include part-time jobs that you did after school or on weekends—all experiences are valuable and will show your interests and talents to potential employers. 

How can I make my resumé stand out? 

Resumés don’t have to be fancy or elaborate. The main purpose of a resume is to showcase your skills and experience so the most important thing you can do is honestly and articulately write your information. Be sure to be honest as businesses value integrity in employees. Also be sure to have a friend proofread your resume for spelling or grammatical errors. If you’re honest and list your skills and experiences clearly and articulately, the resume will speak for itself. 

If you’re still unsure where to start with the job search, stop by your local Penmac office. Our staffing specialists are experienced at matching people with jobs that meet their skills and schedule. And, temp work can be a great way to build experience on your resume! 

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