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What Gardening Can Teach You about Job Hunting

What Gardening Can Teach You about Job Hunting

Grass is turning green, the trees are starting to bud, and flowers are blooming—spring is here. It’s a great time of year to make a fresh start, whether you’re looking for a job, or changing to a new career. At Penmac, we think finding work is a bit like a favorite springtime activity—gardening—it might be a lot of work, but you get beautiful results. 

Plant the seed. 

First, decide what you want to plant. Are you planting flowers? Vegetables? Similarly, what sort of work are you looking for? Do you need a full-time, part-time, or seasonal position? Maybe you’re looking to turn over a new leaf and try a field you’ve never worked in before. Just make sure you have the necessary tools of the trade to be successful. Polish up your resume, start practicing for interviews, and stay on top of your search. It might take some planning, and you might have to dig deep to find a position that’s right for you, but with a little patience and perseverance, you’ll find all sorts of opportunities. 

Water and weed. 

Avid gardeners know you’ll be as busy as a bee for the next few months—watering, fertilizing, and weeding. Looking for a job will keep you just as busy. Weed out the areas of work you’re not interested in, and focus on those jobs that are the best fit for you. Be sure you complete all the steps in the application process. Then, just as you need to periodically check on your garden, make sure you follow-up with the employer to make sure they know you’re still interested. As you garden, you might have to deal with drought, weeds, or other pests. There will be things you can’t control in your job search, too; you may not get the interview you’d hoped for, or it might take a little longer than you want to find that perfect job. While it might not be a bed of roses, your effort will pay off in the end. 

Reap what you sow. 

Finally, after all of your hard work, you’ll be rewarded with a bountiful harvest. Finding employment is an accomplishment; take time to enjoy the satisfaction of a job well done. Keep in mind that each season has its own rewards—just as your first garden may not flourish as much as you’d hope, your first job might not be your ideal long-term career. Just look at it as an opportunity to gain experience, make connections, and learn new skills that could make next year’s harvest even more plentiful. 

Come rain or shine, it’s always a good time to look for a job with Penmac. Call your local office today for more information on how we can help with your job search. 

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