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Want a Great Team at Work?

Want a Great Team at Work?

As the Olympic Games approach, we are all looking forward to seeing our favorite athletes perform and rooting for the players. As you watch this year, consider the value of teamwork as it might apply on the job. What does a great team look like? Working together is important in the workplace—it strengthens coworker bonds, creates happier and more productive staff, and can make it easier to overcome challenges. Consider the qualities below, and the role that they play in assembling a great team. 

Shared Vision 

No team can be successful unless all members share the same overall mission. In order to make sure all members are united, establish goals

Hard Workers 

Great organizations have hard workers. People who are dedicated to doing their best are important in the workplace. Generally, hard workers are self-motivated and consistently complete projects well.  

Unique Talents 

Each person on a team has unique talents and perspectives. The best teams play to each person’s strengths rather than valuing just one attribute. Recognize the traits that make each team member valuable. Designate roles and responsibilities for them that will strengthen the overall goal. 

Effective Communication 

You may have the most talented group of individuals. However, if you aren’t able to communicate well together. Create a group that has discussion, ground rules for getting work done, and a model for decision making.  

Trust Your Team 

Members must have enough respect and confidence in their coworkers that they have faith in them to get the project done. In short, one person in the group shouldn’t try to manage all aspects of a project; everyone should have opportunity to do his or her part. 

In general, businesses are more successful when employees work together. Use these traits to put together a winning team at your company. 

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