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4 Things Parenting Can Teach You About Work

4 Things Parenting Can Teach You About Work

With Father’s Day approaching, we started thinking about parenting, and how the skills you use as a mom or dad can often translate to valuable skills you can use in the workplace. Transferrable skills are those qualities you take from one situation to another, such as from job to job, or from home to work. Being a parent is a job in itself, and many things you learn raising a family can be experiences that will help in your career.  


If you’re a parent, you know that on any given day, you may be juggling a million things at once. You have to get the kids to school, and make sure they get to all their practices on time; you take care of meals, shopping, cleaning, and more. More than likely, you’ve become an excellent multitasker, able to effectively manage doing multiple things at once. You also have to be skilled at managing your time, prioritizing tasks, and keeping things organized. These skills are useful in almost any workplace. 


Have a toddler, or remember those years? Moms and dads become talented at interpreting gibberish, body language, and can sometimes even tell what a particular type of cry means. Even if your kids are older, parents become gifted at handling conflict and calming frustrations. Parents are also exceptional listeners. Interpersonal and listening skills help any job to run more smoothly. Good communication is essential in making sure everyone correctly understands the task, and that your whole team is working together for the same goal. 


Anyone who works with kids knows that you have to have a lot of patience. Parents must learn to tolerate tantrums, endless questions, and the ongoing demands of being a parent. Your capacity for patience expands as you become more experienced at having to practice patience on a daily basis. The ability to stop and take a deep breath can go a long way, both as a parent, and as an employee. This is especially useful in situations at work that might otherwise be frustrating or overwhelming. 


Parents are the leaders of their families. They are responsible for organizing schedules, creating a nurturing environment, and encouraging others. Leaders excel in the workplace because they are passionate and positive, and good at building relationships. They work hard, take action, and set an example for others. Click here to read more about what good leaders do well. 

At Penmac, we know parents have tough, but rewarding jobs. If you’ve been out of the workplace for a while, and think it will be hard to return, consider all of the valuable skills and experience you have gained by being a parent. Or, take a moment to see how mom and dad’s words of wisdom can help on the job. Happy Father’s Day from everyone at Penmac! 

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