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Are Your Job Expectations Realistic?

Are Your Job Expectations Realistic?

Looking for a job can be difficult, but it can be even harder to find a position if your work expectations aren’t realistic. Have you been looking for a job for a while? Take a moment to evaluate your expectations. You may need to slightly adjust how you are thinking about your employment search.  

Flexible Schedules 

While some businesses do try to offer flexible schedules to their employees this doesn’t always work out. Companies in certain industries may need to be in operation during specific times. Some businesses that do offer more flexibility aren’t able to give this privilege to all employees. In these situations, more senior employees may get first choice in their schedules. While you may get lucky and find an employer who is willing to accommodate an alternative schedule, keep in mind that it’s not always a possibility.

Working from Home 

With improved technology over the last decade, more employers are able to offer their staff the option to work remotely. Of course, certain jobs lend themselves to this more than others. Some positions in IT, customer service, and accounting could be done from home. Other positions, particularly those where you are working with customers, creating a product, or need to collaborate with a team, are better suited on-site. Companies are still weighing the benefits of offering this option to employees. It’s also harder to work on group projects and to learn from coworkers and supervisors. As you look for work, remember not all opportunities are suited to work from home. If that’s a priority for you, you may need to narrow your job search. 

Salary Requirements 

For many, the problem is not finding a job, it’s finding a job with their desired salary. If you’re looking for an entry-level position, you might not get the pay you want from the beginning. If you’re struggling to find a position that meets your wage requirements, take steps to increase your qualifications. Pursue more training in the industry where you’d like to work, or go to school to gain new certifications, degrees, or licenses. Another option is to start in an entry level position to gain experience and prove your loyalty and work ethic to a company; then you can earn raises and have a position you can grow with long-term. 

Job Description 

Fortunately, most job seekers can study the job description up front to know if the position is even one they’re interested in. However, many new employees don’t realize that there’s still a lot about the job that won’t fit on a job posting. When starting a new job, there is always a lot to learn, even if you’re experienced in the industry. Keep an open mind, and try to listen, ask questions, and learn before deciding the position isn’t what you had hoped for. 

Of course, it’s good to know what you want out of a job. Just make sure that your expectations make sense for the type of position and industry you are hoping to work in. Regardless of what job you accept, it will be a great opportunity to learn new things and make a good impression. Contact your local Penmac Staffing office to learn how Penmac can help. 

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